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This blog focuses on expanding knowledge of how the internet has affected the art community, and by which it has aided in the birth of new styles and perspectives.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Interview with Jeff

Question: How did you get into digital painting?

Jeff: Some of my friends were looking over artwork online, specifically this one artist. I noticed the how detailed the work was and I was really taken in by it. After I bought a few art programs and a tablet, I was hooked.

Question: How did you learn how to use Photoshop?

Jeff: At first it was a hobby, but over time, I learned how to use the various tools found throughout the program. It took a lot of time and effort before I even became somewhat comfortable with the program.

Question: How has the Internet played a significant role in your art?

Jeff: The Internet is a good place to shop around for ideas and share work. I will submit my work online via my website and solicit for responses. Also, I go to other websites and share ideas with other artists that way.

Question: Would you say digital art has its own benefits compared to traditional media?

Jeff: Probably after the initial outlay of money for the software and equipment, it's virtually free. All it requires is just time and effort spent. Also, digital mistakes are easily erased. In conventional media, if you make a mistake, you have to start over. On top of that, it's extremely portable. Traditional media requires you to carry paint thinners, canvases, brushes, etc. which limits the mobility of the artist.


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